DWI Attorney in St. Joseph, MO
Why Do You Need a Good DWI Lawyer?
A DWI lawyer is an attorney who practices defending people accused of driving while intoxicated. This is a very focused area of law and requires a great deal of knowledge.
There are many reasons why you might need to hire a DWI lawyer. For example, if you have been charged with DWI, have been injured by someone driving while intoxicated, or are the parent of an underage driver who has been charged with DWI, a local lawyer can provide you with some quick facts on DWI in Missouri.
What to Look for in a DWI Lawyer
A DWI lawyer practices defending people charged with driving while intoxicated. These lawyers can help you get a lower sentence, such as a probationary period, and more minor fines than what you might otherwise receive.
When looking for a DWI lawyer, there are two critical things to consider: the experience and the fee. Experience is crucial because it will tell how many cases they have dealt with and their success rate. The fee is also an essential factor because it will tell if the DWI lawyer is affordable or not.

What to Expect When Working With a DWI Lawyer
The DWI lawyer is the one who will help you with the legal aspects of your case. They are there to represent you in court, so you can have a better chance at winning your case.
When working with a DWI lawyer, you should expect them to be knowledgeable in all areas of DUI law. You should also expect that they will be aggressive in their defense strategy and that they will not stop until your case is resolved in your favor.
Some of the common defenses to DWI charges include the following:
- The officer made an improper stop.
- The Field Sobriety Test was improperly conducted, leading to inaccurate results.
- The Portable or Standard Breathalyzer Test was incorrectly administered, leading to inaccurate results.
- The blood test chain of custody was suspicious, leading to questions of tampering.
- The Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) rose to illegal limits between the time the driver was operating the vehicle and the test was administered.
A thorough attorney will listen carefully to your case and meticulously review the police report and other evidence before building your case.

Cases That Require the Help of a DWI Lawyer
When you are arrested for DWI, you have the right to refuse a breathalyzer test. However, if you refuse a breath or blood test, your license will be suspended for at least one year.
If you are not sure if you should refuse or not, it is best to consult with an experienced DWI lawyer. They will help you evaluate the consequences of refusing the test and give advice on how to proceed.