An ignition interlock device (IID) is a small device that attaches to the ignition of a vehicle. To operate your vehicle, you first must blow into the device; if the IID registers any alcohol in your breath, then the vehicle will not start. IIDs can help ensure that individuals who have been convicted of DWI do not drive while under the influence of alcohol.
For a first-time DWI offense, your driver’s license will be suspended for an initial 30 days. Following that period, you may be eligible for a restricted driving privilege if you install an IID in your vehicle and show proof that you have obtained SR-22 motor vehicle insurance. In some cases, first-time offenders may be able to immediately get a restricted driving privilege before serving the 30-day suspension, but only if they have installed an IID and obtained the necessary insurance coverage.
For individuals who have multiple DWI offenses on their records, a restricted driving privilege may not be available. However, these individuals may be able to obtain a limited driving privilege, which is somewhat similar to a restricted driving privilege. Again, this type of driving privilege is not available unless individuals have an IID installed in their vehicles and SR-22 insurance. Furthermore, even if repeat DWI offenders don’t obtain limited or restricted driving privileges, they still must have an IID installed on their vehicles before having their licenses reinstated at the end of any suspension period.
Users of IIDs are responsible for paying the installation and maintenance expenses for DWI. Additionally, if individuals tamper with the IID, attempt to circumvent it, or register a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or more, you may have to keep your IID installed for an additional three months. The Benjamin Law Firm, LLC of Benjamin Law Firm, LLC, is a law firm focusing on DWI and traffic violations, as well as expungements. When you need results, contact us at 816-846-2219 or fill out the online information form located here.